Infants (Birth to 18 months)
Our youngest classroom focuses on infants and children under 18 months and providing responsive care to your baby in a fun and nurturing environment. Their classroom day and schedule is based on their needs as individuals. Our loving teachers will accommodate your infant’s feeding schedule and follow their needs for sleeping and active times according to your baby’s interest and activity level. As babies grow into toddlers at differing ages, promotion from the infant class into the toddler class will be determined based on an assessment of individual children and their developmental progress. Generally, children are ready to make this transition between 15 and 18 months (See Curriculum).
* Infants in care have a dedicated crib for their exclusive use while with our school.
* Infants have flexible times for sleeping, feeding, being held and snuggled, and tummy throughout each day.
* Our mobile infants are given the freedom to explore their environment.
* Our babies are supported in playing together and building early friendships.
* As infants make the transitions to baby food, soft foods, and to table foods in turn, teachers will provide adequate help and support for the child to not only be fed but have opportunities to learn self-feeding skills.